The honors thesis is an important option for becoming a Reaud Honors College graduate.
the honors thesis presents an opportunity for you to pursue in depth an area of study or research that is personally important or intriguing.
the honors thesis gives you a course of action to demonstrate your ability to complete a major research/creative project. Your honors thesis can easily become the foundation for post-graduate research, facilitating the acquisition of grants and other support in graduate school.
After you submit these items, you and your thesis supervisor will meet with the Reaud Honors College dean to discuss the process.
A Thesis Committee must be formed before the request for HNRS 4360 or 4361 will be approved. This committee will include:
The following elements will normally form part of the student's progress toward the completed thesis:
The student must make a public presentation of the thesis findings before receiving final approval of the thesis committee. The time and place of presentation will be coordinated by the dean of the Reaud Honors College.
Signatures of all members of the thesis committee must be secured before the date designated for submission of grades so that the thesis supervisor may assign a grade for both HNRS 4360 and HNRS 4361.