
Intramural Sports - Success Tip

Intramural Sports Success Tip

Intramural sports may sound intimidating, but they are simply a fun way of connecting and building relationships with other students. 

My name is Dylan Pardo, and I have been twice elected by my peers to serve as one of the Honors Student Association’s Intramural Sports co-officers. This experience has been an exciting and interesting journey so far. I have had the privilege of getting to be an active part of intramurals as well as participating in the leadership aspect of HSA. 

Intramural Sports is a fun and healthy way of taking a break from the normal stress that comes with an academic workload. Some people might tell you that it is a waste of time, but I disagree. Whether you are athletic or not, I have found that the simple dopamine and adrenaline rush that comes with competition is a great stress reliever that keeps you involved with the university. 

Being an intramural sports officer for HSA is also a great way to learn about leadership. You learn leadership by being the captain of your teams, but you also have the privilege of being led by great leaders such as Dean Thibodeaux, Associate Dean Kemerly, and many more. They work to encourage every student in a leadership position to be the best version of a leader they can be. If you have the opportunity to be an HSA officer, I strongly encourage you to take it. 

Intramural Sports is open to all HSA members. Whenever you hear the call-out for one of our teams, I hope you join. Show everyone what Reaud Honors Cardinals are made out of...and have some healthy fun too! 

See you soon, 
Dylan Pardo 
Reaud Honors College  •  P.O. Box 10968  •  Beaumont, TX 77710  •  ph (409) 880-2294
Office at 985 Jim Gilligan Way [map]   •