
Donate Artwork

The Dishman Art Museum adds works to the collection through:

  • Purchase
  • Gift
  • Commission
  • Bequest

Acquisitions and Gift Policy

The Dishman Art Museum abides by the Texas State University System policy for Donations of Tangible and Real Property and the Dishman Art Museum Acquisitions and Gift Policy. Per this policy, prospective donors must make an initial offer of a work in writing to the director. The written offer should include information about the artist, title, medium, dimensions, and, if possible photographs of the work.

Against the Grain Painting

Proposed Gifts Presented to Committee

Proposed gifts are presented to the Curatorial Acquisitions Committee comprised of the director and curators. After initial approval from the committee based on the written offer, the works may be brought or sent to the museum on gift approval.

Proposed Gift Acceptance

After physical examination of the work(s) a decision is made. Prospective donors are notified in writing if their proposed gift is accepted or rejected.