Activities include workshops, curriculum development, seminars, and field trips to local industry. The research experience will be incorporated into high school curriculum that meets Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standard.
Each year, a one-day teacher conference will be organized in the spring for result dissemination. The conference will invite high school teachers from Texas, especially those in the Region 5. Each summer program participant will write a paper, develop at least one high school course module and make a presentation in the conference.
Twelve teachers will be chosen to participate in the summer RET program.
Eleven Teachers: Each receives a $1,000/week stipend for participation in the six-week summer program and $1,800 upon completion of the implementation and evaluation activities during the following academic year. Teachers will be responsible for their own lodging, meal and travel expenses.
One Master Teacher: $1,200/week stipend. The Master Teacher will have a leadership role in the curriculum development process with a strong knowledge in TEKS, communication and problem solving skills, and a positive attitude. The Master Teacher provides assistance to other teachers in course module development and assessment, host Brown Bag Seminars, and co-organize a one-day teacher conference.
To be considered for Master Teacher, the applicant must also submit a 1-page essay describing: