The is a Texas initiative designed to help us to properly place you into Math and English courses. Those who are not exempt from the TSI and do not score high enough on the TSI will be required to enroll in remediation courses as they take their core Math and/or English courses.
If you have not taken the TSI prior to registration we are required, by law, to put you into the remediation courses regardless of whether or not you actually need to be in them. Once you do take the TSI if you score high enough you can drop the remeditation course you were enrolled in. However, if you wait too long to take the TSI there may not be an open seat in a course that does not have the remediation courses attached to it. Therefore it is imperative to take the TSI as soon as possible and to score as high as possible so you are not enrolled in the remediation courses or have sufficient time to adjust you class schedule if your TSI score is high enough to not need the remediation course.
If you have already taken the TSI here for some guidance on interpreting your score. The section dealing with interpreting your Math TSI score is near the end of the document.
If you have not yet taken the TSI or wish to retake the TSI we have compiled a list of resources that you can use to prepare for the TSI Assessment.