Sure, we've all done it at one time or another... but it's not a good idea.
All site editors should refrain from using CLICK HERE in linked text.
Using CLICK HERE could result in workflows being rejected.
It’s an established fact that most people don’t really read the content of a website – they scan it. Visitors SCAN your pages because...
While scanning your pages, site visitors want to not only locate links, but know where a link is going to take them. CLICK HERE tells the visitor nothing about the linked page.
People respond to action words, so content writers need to keep that in mind and encourage visitors to take the desired action when possible.
#1 Click here to read our newsletter.
#2 Read our newsletter.
The second example conveys the desired action and will be much more obvious when someone is scanning your content.
In the age of phones and tablets with touch screens, clicking is no longer the exclusive method of interacting with a web site.
It also presents issues for people with disabilities. Screen readers will tell the visitor "click here". Visitors using screen readers will not know where the link takes them and if it contains the content they're looking for.
Using "click here" in your content can give your visitors bad impressions, such as:
Search engines use the strength of your links in their algorithm when they determine your placement in search engine results.
When you use "click here" as your link text, all that you’re doing is letting the search engines know that your content contains a link. If you want to help them estimate how relevant that link is start using keywords in the link text instead.Example:
#1 Click here to schedule a campus tour.
#2 Lets meet! Schedule your campus tour.
#3 Lets meet! Schedule a visit today.
Example #2 grabs the visitors attention and conveys the desired action.
Example #3 uses text from the actual URL it's linking to.
Both 2 & 3 help search engines determine link relevancy.