As a student at LU, we encourage you to keep track of your service hours for a number of reasons. You can use them when applying for scholarships, to stand out against competitors in your job search and as a way to keep up with your service on your resume. You can track your service hours via LUHUB.
The Civic Engagement Office provides these guidelines to help you think about and plan your service. Developing an understanding of service is an ongoing process that we engage with as we encounter new questions and situations.
If you would like some additional guidance or have questions about a specific type of service, please contact Civic Engagement at 409-880-7775.
When reporting your hours, the following activities count as service:
The following activities do NOT count as service:
Do you have service hours to submit? Track them now on LUHUB!
Make sure that the service hours you submit adhere to the university’s guidelines on what counts as community service. Refer to Service Hour Guidelines to learn more.
There are two different ways to track service hours:
You can track your volunteer hours by events that have been listed in LUHUB.
Refer to the Service Hour Guidelines to see which events would count as volunteer hours.
Volunteer hours that you complete either off campus with a service agency (ex: Foodbank) by yourself or with your organization off campus will be entered in LUHUB as an Experience.
Refer to the Service Hour Guidelines to see what would count as volunteer hours.