
Locked: A Full Length Play

Locked: A Full Length Play

by Philip Zwerling and Lorenzo Pace

Locked is a play that explores an African American family's past and the pain of slavery, racism, and discrimination in America. A young man, Jalani Pace, returns to his grandmother's house in the South for a visit and discovers an old lock hidden in a drawer. When Jalani asks about the lock, his grandmother, Mary Alice, becomes nervous that the family's secret (and her pain) will be unearthed. What lessons will the old lock teach Jalani, his family, and our nation about race, the past, and our future? Locked, a full-length play in two acts, explores this question and celebrates the human spirit's ability to overcome.

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About the Authors

Philip ZwerlingPhilip Zwerling, Ph.D., former Director of the Creative Writing Program at the University of Texas - Rio Grande Valley, is the author, coauthor, or editor of five books, most recently, Eyes on Havana: The Memoir of a US Spy Betrayed by the CIA. He lives in Fort Bragg, CA.
Lorenzo PaceDr. Lorenzo Pace is an artist, author, and lecturer. In 1993, he was commissioned to build a monument in New York City's Foley Square, paying homage to African slaves buried on that site. Pace has served as director of the Montclair State University (New Jersey) Art Gallery, is a retired Professor of Arts at the University of Texas - Rio Grande, and maintains a studio in Brooklyn, New York.