All students who plan to enter the Educator Preparation Program (EPP) will initiate the pre-admission process in PEDG 2310. Pre-admission requirements have been embedded in PEDG 2310, so that, with the successful completion of the course, those requirements should be fulfilled. Toward the end of the semester, students will be notified if they have been admitted pending completion of PEDG 2310.
Should you need additional information or assistance, see the Coordinator of Admissions for Teacher Education, 201H Education Building.
A student is eligible to achieve admission status and enter Phase I (PEDG 3300) of the EPP only if the requirements listed below have been satisfied:
If you have a concern or question about whether or not you have met a particular requirement, or if any exceptions might be approved, request an appointment with the Coordinator of Admissions for Teacher Education - (409) 880-8902) - as soon as possible.
During PEDG 2310, you will be asked to review the curricula and select a certification for your degree plan. You should print and keep a copy of the SBEC standards and sub-standards which apply to your degree plan/certification area for your reference until you have completed the program.