Doctoral Student
Bart, E. H., IV, Boland, A.S., Shelton, S., & Del Rosso, T. (2022). TRUE BIZ DEAF: An exploration on how Deaf creators use TikTok. In J.H. Lipschultz, K. Freberg, & R. Luttrell (Eds.), The Emerald Handbook of Computer-Mediated Communication and Social Media, (pp. 341-357). Emerald Publishing, Ltd.
Boland, A. (2023, July). Sign Language Linguistics in social media. Presented at the World Federation of the Deaf, Jeju Island, South Korea.
Palmer, J. & Boland, A. (2023, July) Exploring the interpreter shortage in postsecondary settings. Presented at the RID Conference, Balitmore, MD.
Boland, A., Hauschildt, S. & Goyette, D. (2023, March). Historical impact of video technology in ASL Literature. Presented at DSDE Mini Research Conference, Beaumont, TX.
Boland, A., Goodwin, S. & Hauschildt, S. (2022, March). What is DeafBlind Epistemology? Presented at DSDE Research Labs Colloquium, Beaumont, TX.