Attendees: Beverly Kemp, Jim Westgate, Scott Crawford, Xianchang Li
Meeting called to order by Beverly Kemp at 10:00am
Discussion about the amount of funding. Dr. Marquart's office provided $30,000 to fund the REG’s this year. This is considerably less than the previous years.
Dr. Li: Why is the funding so low.
Beverly Kemp:This year the $30,000 were the funds provided by Dr. Marquart’s office. This would be a great question to ask Dr. Marquart, it might be best to reach out to him.
I. Division of funds for two categories, Proposal Writing and Research and Creative Activity
Beverly Kemp: We need to discussion the division of funds between the two categories. Because the amount we have been given is considerably less, a decision needs to be made as to how much to provide for each category.
Dr. Westgate: If we give one up to $15,000 for proposal writing and then three for up to $5,000 in the research and creative activity category this would be a good balance.
Dr. Li and Mr. Crawford are both in agreement with this decision.
II. Review of the scores
Beverly Kemp: Scores from the council are completed and calculated within Competition Space
After review of the score sheets, it was noticed that Dr. Jing Zhang only requested $11,850. If we award Zhang the 11,850.00 then we could apply the difference to the research and creative activity competition. This would provide four awards instead of three.
Dr. Westgate, Dr. Li, and Mr. Crawford all agree to this. Beverly Kemp will contact Brandie Fontenot in regard to asking for an additional 1,826.00 towards the REG competition.
The winners for the 2019 REG competition are as follows:
Proposal Writing:
Zhang Jing $11, 850.00
Research and Creative Activity:
Xianchang Li $5,000
Clayton Jeffryes $5,000
Jamie Azios $5,000
Xingya Liu $4,976
Total REG Award: $31,826
Beverly Kemp adjourned the meeting adjourned: 3:27pm