Present: Alm, Hefner-Babb, Sethna, Arceneaux, Titus, McCall
- Alm administered a 3-question “quiz” to gauge common understanding of the QEP purpose. The questions were
- What is the goal of the current QEP?
- Why is this goal meaningful for the students?
- Why is this goal meaningful for the institution?
- Sethna will gather this data:
In fall 2015,
- How many FTFTIC went into math DE?
- Of those who repeated, how many
- Eventually passed college M?
- Eventually graduated?
- Left with no degree?
- Other discussion points:
- Talk to Kayla about case studies
- Advisor guides- put it on the web? (Mandy) (Needs to be live by on-site review) Mandy will get with Kate may want to hire an outside web person to create the site. Web team is locked down with LU site redesign.
- Alm went to CoE & CoFAC
- Bishar- Find pass rate for PSY 2317
- NSO: need info dissemination to new students.
- Academic advisors need training
- Need student events where students want to be there, hence in a space to be receptive
- Cardinal View days: (next 9 Nov) need to hit the main audience- incoming Ss!
- Can local guidance counselors pitch Math to a Degree?
- Can we offer a 16-week 1322 online for dual credit?
- Have SGA spread the word?
- Make a video with a personal touch
- Look at budget for these events
- Need one sentence to put on the back of a shirt