
February 13, 2020

Thursday, 02/13/2020
Plummer Conference Room
Submitted By:
Clayton Harrington


February 13, 2020

Meeting Opened: 1:30 pm



Diane Drawhorn               Hector Flores                     Katherine Miller                Clayton Harrington                                           

Diann Brodnax                 Jonathan Haarlow            Kent O’Quinn

Mark Broome                    Noel Perez (New)            Aziz Shaaban                                                                                                    



Welcome and opening remarks: Clayton Harrington   


The Parking Advisory Committee will be the eyes and ears for all things regarding parking lots and parking on campus.  Committee will be providing recommendations for improvement of parking on campus. Committee will be making decisions on parking violations and policy. 


Welcome new member of the Parking Advisory Committee:




  • Meeting Times and Days – Any requests for changes: 2nd Thursday of each month at 1:30 in the Plummer Conference Room 102
  • Signage: Sign designs are being developed – once that is complete the project will be able to move forward. Plans are to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) with a scope of the work needed to allow work to begin with the summer 2020 work schedule.





  • New Phone # 880-PARK (7275) – Old numbers will continue to work until fall semester. Working on getting it changed on Lamar Webpages.
  • Parking Citation Appeal Evaluations for the Month of January are due back to Clayton Harrington by 2/21/2020 - 6 have been returned.
  • Continue meeting Monthly or go to Bi-Monthly/Quarterly with the option to call meeting if needed.
  • Discussion on 3 options for parking as we move forward:

Zonal system – Hunting System – Lot Specific System

Pick one – Make suggestions – Ask questions – Next Meeting compile and move forward.

  • Software – upgrading software for the parking office is essential
  • Mobile Payment Application- Reached out to purchasing regarding requirements. Reaching out to Christy Swanson regarding electronic payments, and will reach out to IT – at the very beginning of this process
  • Open Forum Presentation 2-24-2020
  • Pepsi Truck – Using Loading Docks
  • Service Drive at Science & Technology
  • Thursday Football Game - 9/2/2020 – Things that worked last year, things that didn’t work last year.





  • E-5 Construction: Consultants are reviewing the project, and will be moving forward quickly.  The plan is to start the project on 5/18 and complete prior to school starting.  We may be able to keep a rotating part of the lot open during construction, but the anticipation is that the entire lot will be closed.  The biggest impacted groups are the Library events on the 8th floor, and Faculty Staff Parking


  • Lot C-4 – (Band Lot) – Lot C-4 is open now it is a faculty/staff reserved lot. We are working on getting a sign for this lot as the one that was there disappeared, additionally we are in the process of having a card reader and gate installed.  Students are quite incensed about this as they feel this is their lot and have been receiving warnings for parking there.  The warnings will cease as soon as the sign is put up.


  • Lot C-1 – Once gate is up and functional in C-4 reserved spaces in C-1 will be removed and it will go back to a student/Senior Lot.


  • Lot E-1 has reopened completely


  • Lot C-3 Project for chemistry roof continues to have parking in that lot



  • Open comments from the committee members.



Next meeting will be March 12, 2019 at 1:30 PM in the Plummer Conference Room 102


Meeting Adjourned: __2:30___________PM