
April 9, 2019

Tuesday, 04/09/2019
Reaud Bldg, room 304
Submitted By:
B Kemp

IRB Meeting
April 9, 2019   12:30
Reaud Bldg, room 304

Attendees: Eileen Curl, Lynn Godkin, Nandu Radhakrishnan, Ruthie Robinson, Emily Born. Beverly Kemp, Wendy Greenidge, Judi Mann, Kaye Shelton, Alan Moore, Clayton Jeffry

I. Call to order by Dr. Curl at 12:30pm

II. Approval of January 15, 2019 minutes

Motion to approve January minutes made by Kaye Shelton
             Motion seconded by Nandu Radhakrishnan
             All approved and motion passed

III. Updates from ORSPA: Emily Born
a.       CITI Training Requirements: (IRB Members/Basic or Refresher)
Motion made by Alan Moore to require all IRB Members to complete the IRB Members course as well as the Social Behavioral Education (SBE) and Biomedical (Biomed) Basic courses upon being appointed to the board. After completing the Social Behavioral Education (SBE) and Biomedical (Biomed) Basic courses, board members will only need to complete the IRB Members Refresher course every three years.
Motion seconded by Ruthie Robinson
All approved and motion passed

b.      Other: Upon review by Dr. Marquart and Dr. Palanki, it was noticed that the IRB does not have term limits for its members as other committees on campus. In the future, it is possible that all members will be limited to a 3-year term. Roll off from the board will be staggered to ensure the board does not have all new members at once. As necessary board members may be asked to serve an additional 3-year term.

IV. Update on approved expedited studies
            Emily Born: According the regulations we should be providing the board with a list of approved expedited studies. (See attachment) Since the beginning of the fiscal year 2019 the board has approved 35 expedited studies.

            Beverly Kemp: There have been 92 exempt studies approved and 9 full board studies approved. Over all there have been 267 IRB’s created with 136 approved. 

V. Full Board IRB FY19-250 Increased Laryngeal Tension in Undergraduate Trombone Majors Following Typical Practice Sessions

            a. PI: Abigail Dueppen
            b. Discussion: Nandu Radhakrishnan gave details pertaining to the submission and is supposed to be added as a Co-PI by Abigail after this review.  Emily Born provided details from the PI regarding the issues that need to be corrected/clarified with the submission. (what will be audio and video recorded, Vocal Fatigue Index, (VFI), Cap-V, demographic form, EGG, Endoscopic procedure, possible risks, revisions to informed consent form, subject recruitment, inclusion criteria, exclusion criteria) 
            c. Vote: Nandu Radhakrishnan stepped out prior to the vote.

Motion to approve with the corrections made by Judi Mann
Motion seconded by Lynn Godkin
All in favor and motion passed.    
VI. Informed Consent Template
Dr. Curl: I have been working with Emily on an informed consent template. Board members please review the template and email all questions or changes to me. Hopefully this can be completed quickly, and we will be able to publish the template on the IRB webpage.

VII. Other Items

a.       Cayuse Issues: None at this time.
b.      Webpage Updates: Beverly Kemp. Small changes to wording regarding student access to Cayuse. As we know, students and new faculty/staff do not automatically have access to Cayuse. All student access requests must come from their faculty advisors. Students can not request access for themselves.

Next meeting July 9, 2019. Meetings at 12:30pm.

Meeting adjourned by Dr. Curl at 1:33pm