B.B.A. General Business Retail Management

Fall 2013

Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration
Major: General Business
Concentration: Retail Management Concentration

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Special requirements within the core:

COMM 3310

MATH 1325

Required Courses for Major

ACCT 2301

ACCT 2302

BCOM 3350

BUAL 3310

BUAL 3320

BULW 1370

BULW 3310

ECON 2301

ECON 2302

ECON 3340/3390

FCSC 1320/2383

FCSC 2379

FCSC 3370

FCSC 4320

FCSC 4340

FINC 3310

MGMT 3310

MGMT 3320

MGMT 4370

MISY 1373

MISY 3310

MKTG 3310

MKGT 3350

Elective Courses

3 hours

6 hours upper-level Business electives


All 1000-level courses on this degree plan must be completed before enrolling in any required 3000-level course, and all 2000-level courses must be completed before enrolling in required courses at the 4000-level.

