
BA Spanish

Fall 2013

Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Spanish

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

COMM 1315 - Public Speaking I, COMM 1360 - Honors Public Speaking, COMM 2373 - Advanced Public Speaking, or COMM 3310 - Business and Professional Speech

Required Courses for Major

Advanced Spanish - 30 Hours:

SPAN 3300 - Spanish Conversation

SPAN 3310 - Advanced Grammar and Composition

SPAN 3315 - Advanced Expository Writing

SPAN 3320 - Culture and Civilization of Spain

SPAN 3330 - Culture and Civilization of Latin America

SPAN 4310 - Latin American Literature I

SPAN 4320 - Latin American Lit II

SPAN 4330 - Survey of Spanish Peninsular Literature I

SPAN 4340 - Survey of Spanish Peninsular Literature II

SPAN 4380 - Advanced Conversation

Elective Courses

9 hours free electives. Must include at least upper division 3 hours .


ENGL 3330 -   World Literature Before 1600, or ENGL 3332 - World Literature After 1600

SPAN 1311 - Beginning Spanish I

SPAN 1312 - Beginning Spanish II

SPAN 2311 - Intermediate Spanish I

SPAN 2312 - Intermediate Spanish II



Required. 18 Hours - 9 must be advanced
