
Dr. Jing Zhang

Dr. Jing Zhang

General Information


  • Ph.D. Computer Science, University of South Florida, 2012


  • Postdoctoral Associate, Duke University, July 2012- July 2014

Research Interests

  • Image/Video processing
  • Medical Image Analysis
  • Computer Vision
  • Machine Learning
  • Pattern Recognition

Selected Publications

Jing Zhang, Joseph Lo, Cherie Kuzmiak, Sujata Ghate, Sora Yoon, and Maciej Mazurowski, "Using Computer-extracted image features for modeling of error-making patterns in detection of mammographic masses among radiology residents", Medical Physics, 41(9), 091907, 2014

Maciej Mazurowski, Jing Zhang, Katherine Peters, and Hasan Hobbs, "Computer-extracted MR imaging features are associated with survival in glioblastoma patients", Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 1-6, 2014

Jing Zhang and Rangachar Kasturi, "A Novel Text Detection System Based on Character and Link Energies", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2014

Maciej Mazurowski, Jing Zhang, Lars Grimm, Sora Yoon, and Zack Silber, "Radiogenomic analysis of breast cancer: Luminal B molecular subtype is associated with enhancement dynamics in MRI", Radiology, 2014

Jing Zhang, Daniel Barboriak, Hasan Hobbs, and Maciej Mazurowski "A fully automatic extraction of magnetic resonance image features in Glioblastoma patients", Medical Physics, 41(4), 042301, 2014

Maciej Mazurowski and Jing Zhang, "Modeling resident error-making patterns in detection of mammographic masses using computer-extracted image features", SPIE medical imaging, San Diego, CA, 2014

Jing Zhang and Rangachar Kasturi, "Sign Detection based Text Localization in Scene Images", The Fifth International Workshop on Camera Based Document Analysis and Recognition (CBDAR), Washington, D.C, U.S.A., Aug. 2013.

Jing Zhang and Rangachar Kasturi, "Character energy and link energy based text extraction in scene images", Proceedings of the Tenth Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), LNCS Vol. 6493, 308-320, Queenstown, New Zealand, Nov. 2011

Jing Zhang and Rangachar Kasturi, "Text detection using edge gradient and graph spectrum", Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp. 3979-3982, Istanbul, Turkey, Aug. 2010.

Jing Zhang and Rangachar Kasturi, "Weighted Boundary Points for Shape Analysis", Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp. 1598-1601, Istanbul, Turkey, Aug. 2010.